Thursday, February 26, 2009


Prior experience with ERP
The company should check if the platforms in question have already been experimented successfully in an ERP environment. The more they have been tried and tested the greater is their credibility. This helps to increase the comfort zone psychologically and technically because of the feeling that the platform has demonstrated competence in ERP.
Networking facilities
The organization should consider the channels used for disseminating information and its relevance with the platform in choice. By and large the features should not be subject to any amount of rigidity. The platform should basically allow fee flow and exchange of datas between the networks and be applicable to work in the latest atmosphere.
Proper designs
ERP applications are often more than complex and taxing. Thing will become worse if the preferred ERP platforms are also of the same stature. Therefore the designing part of the platform will be able to speak for itself only if they are done unequivocally. The designs should be in such a manner that they can be used freely either in integrated or distributed applications.
Effective outputs
The ERP platforms should contribute valuably to the output. The system should work well and be able to balance the flaws that arise during procedures. All platforms are bound to face struggle while working in the introduction stage. This problem is an unavoidable one especially in the introduction stage. The preferred ERP platforms should resist the errors that come during the procedures, even though they may be due to some functional component and not directly connected with the platform.
The company needs to be assured that they can implement this platform for a considerable longer time. The ERP platform will be retained only if they are satisfied that it justifies the costs incurred. The preferred ERP platform should have the capacity of being tuned well within the company's environment.
Assortment of related levers
The company has to not only check the comfort level of the platform with the main applications but also with the supporting levers. Since they go in hand during the process it becomes important to give them the due attention. This is important in ensuring that there are no hassles in when the entire operations are set in motion.
These general characters need not necessarily suit every company. They can be taken as parameters for assessment but to take them as deciding factors will not suffice. The company should as well take all the relevant internal and external factors in to account to decide on this matter before choosing ERP platforms.

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