Thursday, February 26, 2009

What is the OSI Model

The OSI model is a reference model which most IT professionals use to describe networks and network applications.

The OSI model was originally intended to describe a complete set of production network protocols, but the cost and complexity of the government processes involved in defining the OSI network made the project unviable. In the time that the OSI designers spent arguing over who would be responsible for what, TCP/IP conquered the WORLD.

The OSI Model vs. The Real World

The most major difficulty with the OSI model is that is does not map well to the real world!

The OSI was created after many of todays protocols were already in production use. These existing protocols, such as TCP/IP, were designed and built around the needs of real users with real problems to solve. The OSI model was created by academicians for academic purposes.

The OSI model is a very poor standard, but it's the only well-recognized standard we have which describes networked applications.

The easiest way to deal with the OSI model is to map the real-world protocols to the model, as well as they can be mapped.

Layer Name Common Protocols
7 Application SSH, telnet, FTP
6 Presentation HTTP, SMTP, SNMP
5 Session RPC, Named Pipes, NETBIOS
4 Transport TCP, UDP
3 Network IP
2 Data Link Ethernet
1 Physical Cat-5

The difficulty with this approach is that there is no general agreement as to which layer of the OSI model to map any specific protocol. You could argue forever about what OSI model layer SSH maps to.

A much more accurate model of real-world networking is the TCP/IP model:

TCP/IP Model
Application Layer
Transport Layer
Internet Layer
Network Interface Layer

The most significant downside with the TCP/IP model is that if you reference it, fewer people will know what you are talking about!

For a better description of why the OSI model should go the way of the dodo, disco, and DivX, read Kill the Beast: Why the Seven-Layer Model Must Die.
Books on the OSI Model
OSI Reference Model Pocket Guide
OSI Reference Model Pocket Guide

The pocket-sized reference provides the help you need to effectively prepare for the OSI related questions you'll encounter on Cisco's CCNA certification exam. It also serves as a practical tutorial explaining the confusing layered architecture of modern network design. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model is the basis for much of modern networking. It is a layered model under which all networking protocols and services are defined. Many attempts at explaining OSI become too abstract and require a very high level of network design knowledge and experience to even begin to understand. This pocket guide presents a more practical, user-friendly examination of the topic. The author, Howard Berkowitz, CCSI, is an accomplished network designer and instructor who has written two books on network architecture. He effectively utilizes real-life experiences, analogies, and humor to clear up some of the most common confusions and misconceptions associated with the OSI Reference. Sample questions (with correct answers and complete explanations), similar to those found on Cisco's certification exams are included in this reference. These questions (with correct answers and complete explanations) allow readers to test their OSI knowledge level before attempting the actual tests.
OSI Reference Model for Telecommunications
OSI Reference Model for Telecommunications

The OSI (Open System Interconnection) Reference Model is a cornerstone of modern network design. Although the OSI model has become almost synonymous with data communications, it serves the public switched telephone network (PSTN) as well and is a productive way to organize and teach the building blocks of telecom systems. In OSI Reference Model for Telecommunications, hands-on expert Debbra Wetteroth provides telecom staffers the information they need to gain a working knowledge of this essential telecom service architecture and equipment. Her style that breaks down the barriers between data and voice vocabularies. This quick reference to the OSI model puts the data you need everyday at your fingertips.
OSI: A Model for Computer Communications Standards
OSI: A Model for Computer Communications Standards

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Books on the OSI Model
OSI Reference Model Pocket Guide
OSI Reference Model Pocket Guide

The pocket-sized reference provides the help you need to effectively prepare for the OSI related questions you'll encounter on Cisco's CCNA certification exam. It also serves as a practical tutorial explaining the confusing layered architecture of modern network design. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model is the basis for much of modern networking. It is a layered model under which all networking protocols and services are defined. Many attempts at explaining OSI become too abstract and require a very high level of network design knowledge and experience to even begin to understand. This pocket guide presents a more practical, user-friendly examination of the topic. The author, Howard Berkowitz, CCSI, is an accomplished network designer and instructor who has written two books on network architecture. He effectively utilizes real-life experiences, analogies, and humor to clear up some of the most common confusions and misconceptions associated with the OSI Reference. Sample questions (with correct answers and complete explanations), similar to those found on Cisco's certification exams are included in this reference. These questions (with correct answers and complete explanations) allow readers to test their OSI knowledge level before attempting the actual tests.
OSI Reference Model for Telecommunications
OSI Reference Model for Telecommunications

The OSI (Open System Interconnection) Reference Model is a cornerstone of modern network design. Although the OSI model has become almost synonymous with data communications, it serves the public switched telephone network (PSTN) as well and is a productive way to organize and teach the building blocks of telecom systems. In OSI Reference Model for Telecommunications, hands-on expert Debbra Wetteroth provides telecom staffers the information they need to gain a working knowledge of this essential telecom service architecture and equipment. Her style that breaks down the barriers between data and voice vocabularies. This quick reference to the OSI model puts the data you need everyday at your fingertips.
OSI: A Model for Computer Communications Standards
OSI: A Model for Computer Communications Standards

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Don't map your network by hand – let LANsurveyor Express...
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This road map can be used as a resource for your company as you travel down the road to ISO 14001:2004 certification....
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No Stone Unturned: Strategies for Cash Management in Hard Times
Under challenging economic circumstances, learn how mid-size companies are modifying...
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